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Why Edible Eden uses Permaculture Principles and not Agricultural ones and Why Does it Matter

Agriculture and permaculture are both approaches to food production and land management, but they have several key differences in their principles, goals, and practices:

Philosophy and Goals:


Traditional agriculture often focuses on maximizing crop yields and profits through the use of monoculture (growing a single crop), mechanization, and the application of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The primary goal is typically to produce as much food as possible.

Permaculture: Permaculture, short for "permanent agriculture" or "permanent culture," is a holistic design approach that aims to create sustainable and regenerative systems. It emphasizes working with, rather than against, natural ecosystems and aims to provide for human needs while preserving and regenerating the environment. The goal is long-term sustainability and resilience.

Design Principles:

Agriculture: Conventional agriculture often involves large-scale, standardized practices and is less concerned with mimicking natural ecosystems or promoting biodiversity.

Permaculture: Permaculture is based on a set of design principles that include observing and mimicking natural patterns and processes, using diverse and interrelated plant and animal species, and minimizing waste.

Crop Diversity:

Agriculture: Traditional agriculture often relies on monoculture, where large areas are planted with a single crop. This can lead to soil degradation, pest and disease susceptibility, and a need for chemical inputs.

Permaculture: Permaculture promotes polyculture, which involves growing a variety of plant species in close proximity. This diversity can increase resilience to pests and diseases and improve overall ecosystem health.

Soil Management:

Agriculture: Conventional agriculture may rely on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can harm soil health and lead to long-term degradation.

Permaculture: Permaculture places a strong emphasis on building and maintaining healthy soil through practices like composting, mulching, and cover cropping.

Water Management:

Agriculture: Conventional agriculture often relies on irrigation systems that can deplete water resources and lead to water pollution through runoff.

Permaculture: Permaculture promotes water-conserving techniques such as rainwater harvesting, swales, and the use of drought-resistant plants.

Energy Inputs:

Agriculture: Traditional agriculture often relies on fossil fuels and external inputs like synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Permaculture: Permaculture aims to reduce reliance on external energy inputs by designing systems that work with natural energy flows and cycles.

Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat:

Agriculture: Conventional monoculture can lead to habitat destruction and reduced biodiversity.

Permaculture: Permaculture seeks to create diverse and thriving ecosystems that support a variety of plant and animal species.

In Summary.

While agriculture and permaculture share the goal of food production, they differ in their underlying philosophies, design principles, and approaches to land management.

Permaculture places a strong emphasis on sustainability, ecosystem health, and resilience, whereas conventional agriculture often prioritizes maximum production and profit in the short term.

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